Bibliotheca Sefarad brings together an important bibliographic and documentary collection of Judaica specialized in everything related to the Jews, the Inquisition and the Spanish converts before and after the expulsion on 1492, and their subsequent historical development under the denomination of Sephardic, for coming from Sepharad (Spain).
The present edition includes a varied selection of more than 400 books and printed published since the 15th century, which have been studied and catalogued in detail in order to try to bring us closer to the reality of the Jewish presence in Hispanic lands and its Diaspora.
The bibliographic content of the catalogue has been studied by a great expert in Judaica, Uriel Macías, with the collaboration of Bibliotheca Sefarad, publisher of the book. The present work includes five major sections, each of them introduced by a specialist in the corresponding subject, the professors José Ramón Magdalena Nom de Déu (Jews in Spain), José Antonio Escudero (Inquisition and converts), Moisés Orfali (Antijudaica), Harm den Boer (Sephardica) and Jon Juaristi (Miscelánea Judaica & Hebraica).
In order to bring the reader closer to the topics reviewed, a total of 255 digitized books and documents are included in the work, which can be accessed directly as many times as desired through the QR code, which appears next to the text.
Dr. José Jiménez Salazar
Director Bibliotheca Sefarad
The five mentioned sections are included below with their corresponding introduction and a brief selection for each of the five works with a complete bibliographic record.